quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Brazil's Northeast and the US Hispanic Experience

Brazil's recent economic expansion has brought to the attention of marketers and global brands the country's Northeastern region. Due to the general lack of knowledge about a largely forgotten market, some local brands strongly connected to the people and their roots have developed there. Mainstream brands that dominate the “more developed” southern markets are having a hard time trying to decode the ways and the keys to the northeasterners hearts and minds.
It's a market within the market. A whole new ballgame. Hispanic agencies in the US, and the way the American market have come to understand and profit from diversity come to mind as the best model to deal with this new reality of a growing country within a country in Brazil.
To meditate over a glass of good wine from the São Francisco river valley.

Um comentário:

  1. Very good post!
    Everybody is watching the Northeast, but we have to ask how?
    The profit exist, but the citizens, the culture and the society has to be decodified.
    I don't think that they are doing a good job.
    I haven't been affected it yet.
